Ready to Rule and Reign?

Want to follow clear training pathways that will empower you to rule and reign in every area of your life? 

Submit your details and start a life changing journey with Raising Royalty today.

Please note: Emails are processed and VIP access to e-books, events and resources is sent immediately - check all your inboxes for the email.

Ready to Rule and Reign?

Want to follow clear training pathways that will empower you to rule and reign in every area of your life? 

Submit your details and start a life changing journey with Raising Royalty today.

 Please note: Emails are processed and VIP access to e-books, events and resources is sent immediately - check all your inboxes for the email.

Meet Benji & Alanna Alexander

If you want to join a Kingdom tribe of men, taking ownership for ruling and reigning as men, husbands and fathers, and women taking ownership to rule and reign as women, wives and mothers, Raising Royalty is your tribe.

We are a tribe that is overcoming self sabotage, taking extreme ownership, doing hard things and reaping the rewards of ruling and reigning in every area of life.

Meet Benji & Alanna Alexander

If you want to join a Kingdom tribe of men, taking ownership for ruling and reigning as men, husbands and fathers, and women taking ownership to rule and reign as women, wives and mothers, Raising Royalty is your tribe.

We are a tribe that is overcoming self sabotage, taking extreme ownership, doing hard things and reaping the rewards of ruling and reigning in every area of life.

Receive our gift valued at over $2,000

We know what it's like to struggle hard in every area and feel the pressure of life causing unbearable pain. Raising Royalty is a solution for a generation that believes God for "more".

We've invested millions to bring you Raising Royalty and we'd love to invite you to take a journey with us of discovering what it really means to be royalty.

Tell us where to send it and we will give you instant free access to everything here!

Please note: Emails are processed and VIP access to e-books, events and resources is sent immediately - check all your inboxes for the email.

Receive our gift valued at over $2,000

We know what it's like to struggle hard in every area and feel the pressure of life causing unbearable pain. Raising Royalty is a solution for a generation that believes God for "more".

We've invested millions to bring you Raising Royalty and we'd love to invite you to take a journey with us of discovering what it really means to be royalty.

Tell us where to send it and we will give you instant free access to everything here!

Please note: Emails are processed and VIP access to e-books, events and resources is sent immediately - check all your inboxes for the email.

The 7 Sacred Pathways to Intimacy: Audio & E-book

Benji and Alanna's book The 7 Sacred Pathways to Intimacy is one of the most vulnerable testimonies on marriage that you'll ever encounter - get it free now!

It's also one of the most simple and comprehensive blueprints to creating a Heaven on Earth marriage the world has ever had. Discover the Kingdom secrets to creating a marriage where you both get what you want, when you want it and how you like it without manipulation or control. 

The 7 Sacred Pathways to Intimacy: Audio & E-book

Benji and Alanna's book The 7 Sacred Pathways to Intimacy is one of the most vulnerable testimonies on marriage that you'll ever encounter - get it free now!

It's also one of the most simple and comprehensive blueprints to creating a Heaven on Earth marriage the world has ever had. Discover the Kingdom secrets to creating a marriage where you both get what you want, when you want it and how you like it without manipulation or control. 

Receive The Good Father, e-book free right now!

The biggest struggle Benji ever had was breaking free from an orphan state of being and discovering the bliss of Sonship.

The Good Father explores hard questions about God, identity, orphan theology and Sonship that are on the forefront of this generations mind. The Good Father is a short, powerful book that lays the foundations to fast track your journey into the bliss of Sonship and oneness with the Trinity.

Receive The Good Father, e-book free right now!

The biggest struggle Benji ever had was breaking free from an orphan state of being and discovering the bliss of Sonship.

The Good Father explores hard questions about God, identity, orphan theology and Sonship that are on the forefront of this generations mind. The Good Father is a short, powerful book that lays the foundations to fast track your journey into the bliss of Sonship and oneness with the Trinity.

Get exclusive access to live Zoom training.

Receive free VIP access to a wide range of live Kingdom speakers and events by joining our email list. Submit your name and email now to get front row VIP seats for free!

Get exclusive access to live Zoom training.

Receive free VIP access to a wide range of live Kingdom speakers and events by joining our email list. Submit your name and email now to get front row VIP seats for free!

Connect with a tribe of Kingdom entrepreneurs.

Ecclesiastes 11:2 says "invest in seven ventures or even eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land" discover how we have simplified the process of multiplying your Kingdom impact and income. Meet leaders in Kingdom business and be inspired by what is possible!

The Science of Dreams Audio & E-Book

We have given away well over 50,000 copies of The Science of Dreams audio and e-book, which has caused an explosion of dreams coming to life all over the Earth. You can grab your free copy right now.

It's no accident that our dreams struggle, there is a systematic Satanic assignment against your life designed to abort your dreams and destiny. The Science of Dreams will teach you how to overcome and tap into a world that's "beyond" what you've ever imagined... 

The Science of Dreams Audio & E-Book

We have given away well over 50,000 copies of The Science of Dreams audio and e-book, which has caused an explosion of dreams coming to life all over the Earth. You can grab your free copy right now.

It's no accident that our dreams struggle, there is a systematic Satanic assignment against your life designed to abort your dreams and destiny. The Science of Dreams will teach you how to overcome and tap into a world that's "beyond" what you've ever imagined... 

Connect with a tribe of Kingdom entrepreneurs.

Ecclesiastes 11:2 says "invest in seven ventures or even eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land" discover how we have simplified the process of multiplying your Kingdom impact and income. Meet leaders in Kingdom business and be inspired by what is possible!

What can you expect from Raising Royalty?

Raising Royalty consistently helps people to get the most significant breakthroughs of their lives in their relationship with God, their understanding of identity, their marriages, parenting, finances and the pursuit of their dreams and the call of God. Don't miss out!

What can you expect from Raising Royalty?

Raising Royalty consistently helps people to get the most significant breakthroughs of their lives in their relationship with God, their understanding of identity, their marriages, parenting, finances and the pursuit of their dreams and the call of God. Don't miss out!

Discover Our One of a Kind Mentoring Opportunity...

Raising Royalty's 7 Week Master The Code Challenge is a battle tested blueprint from Heaven that consistently and predictably restores lost and dead dreams and awakens dreamers. This is one of the simplest and fastest systems for helping people bring dreams to life that you'll ever find...

If you are serious about fulfilling the call of God on your life, then this 7 week challenge will blow your mind!! After years of refining, The Master The Code Challenge is ready to help you fast track your God given dreams like never before.

Our secret weapon for Fast Tracking Growth!

If you love the idea of ruling and reigning in life but have wondered if that's actually possible and how to practically make it happen, The Master The Code Challenge is the answer.

The Master The Code Challenge confronts the fundamental life issues that stop us from ruling and reigning in every area of life and give a simple, exact blueprint for victory. The Master The Code Challenge will show you exactly how to overcome self sabotage and to step into a life of extreme ownership and embracing the hard things that will give you the life and the dreams that you truly desire.

But you don't have to take this journey alone. You can do it with a Kingdom tribe of men and women learning to rule and reign together. We can't wait to have you join the adventure! 


The Master The Code Challenge is a paid training course, but if you choose to sign up for free access to Raising Royalty now, you'll get access to a very special price for the Master The Code Challenge. 

Amanda Lindsey

Kaylie Hollins

Faith McIntyre

Zephanius Seiuli

Armand Kok

William Collins

Dorcas Bawell

Lavinia Ropata

Madreez Pretorius 

Nirania Paulsen

Dr Kim Bloomer

Andrea Jones

Karina Kok

Marno Strydom

Alicia Seiuli

Don't miss out on learning how to Rule & Reign!

You only get one chance to get this right...

Ready to start your journey? Submit your details to access thousands of dollars worth of value for free.

Please note: Emails are processed and VIP access to e-books, events and resources is sent immediately - check all your inboxes for the email.

Discover Our One of a Kind Mentoring Opportunity...

Raising Royalty's 7 Week Master The Code Challenge is a battle tested blueprint from Heaven that consistently and predictably restores lost and dead dreams and awakens dreamers. This is one of the simplest and fastest systems for helping people bring dreams to life that you'll ever find...

If you are serious about fulfilling the call of God on your life, then this 7 week challenge will blow your mind!! After years of refining, The Master The Code Challenge is ready to help you fast track your God given dreams like never before.

Our Secret Weapon For Fast Tracking Transformation!

If you love the idea of ruling and reigning in life but have wondered if that's actually possible and how to practically make it happen, The Master The Code Challenge is the answer.

The Master The Code Challenge confronts the fundamental life issues that stop us from ruling and reigning in every area of life and give a simple, exact blueprint for victory. The Master The Code Challenge will show you exactly how to overcome self sabotage and to step into a life of extreme ownership and embracing the hard things that will give you the life and the dreams that you truly desire.

But you don't have to take this journey alone. You can do it with a Kingdom tribe of men and women learning to rule and reign together. We can't wait to have you join the adventure! 


The Master The Code Challenge is a paid training course, but if you choose to sign up for free access to Raising Royalty now, you'll get access to a very special price for the Master The Code Challenge. 

Amanda Lindsey

Kaylie Hollins

Faith McIntyre

Zephanius Seiuli

Armand Kok

William Collins

Dorcas Bawell

Lavinia Ropata

Madreez Pretorius 

Nirania Paulsen

Dr Kim Bloomer

Andrea Jones

Karina Kok

Marno Strydom

Alicia Seiuli

Don't miss out on learning how to Rule & Reign!

You only get one chance to get this right...

Ready to start your journey? Submit your details to access thousands of dollars worth of value for free.

Please note: Emails are processed and VIP access to e-books, events and resources is sent immediately - check all your inboxes for the email.

Become part of the tribe and join us on missions and expeditions.

We go on adventures all over the world!

Connect today and start the adventure of a life time...

Darren Simmonds

Justin Pagotto

Benji Alexander 

Connecting with Raising Royalty.

If you are ready to go beyond the ordinary and redesign reality as you turn your life into a masterpiece that mirrors Heaven on Earth, then you my friend, may have just found your tribe.

Whether you want to grow in your walk with God, launch your dreams, upgrade your relationships, thrive in your finances, build multi-generational legacy or step into divine health we have experts on our team who can help you make it happen.

Jump on our email list, access our free platform, join our Zoom events, check out our content - taste and see that our culture overflows with the bliss of Sonship, the love of the Father, the power of the Spirit and the abundance of Heaven. We look forward to connecting - the opportunities are limitless!

Benji & Alanna Alexander

Become part of the tribe and join us on missions and expeditions.

We go on adventures all over the world!

Connect today and start the adventure of a life time...

Darren Simmonds

Justin Pagotto

Benji Alexander 

How can Raising Royalty help?

Raising Royalty consistently helps people to get the most significant breakthroughs of their lives in their relationship with God, their understanding of identity, their marriages, parenting, finances and the pursuit of their dreams and the call of God.

Connecting with Raising Royalty.

If you are ready to go beyond the ordinary and redesign reality as you turn your life into a masterpiece that mirrors Heaven on Earth, then you my friend, may have just found your tribe.

Whether you want to grow in your walk with God, launch your dreams, upgrade your relationships, thrive in your finances, build multi-generational legacy or step into divine health we have experts on our team who can help you make it happen.

Jump on our email list, access our free platform, join our Zoom events, check out our content - taste and see that our culture overflows with the bliss of Sonship, the love of the Father, the power of the Spirit and the abundance of Heaven. We look forward to connecting - the opportunities are limitless!

Benji & Alanna Alexander

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